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Thursday, 16 July 2015

#freeWestPapua #INDONESIA: debuting the "at least we're honest" defence. Imagine Australia [arresting/beating/shooting/raping/torturing] members of groups that advocate moving our government from a Monarchy to a Republic [and any journalists covering that story]; imagine the PNG government [arresting/beating/shooting/raping/torturing] everyone calling for a separation of the Papuan half of the country [and any journalists covering that story]; imagine the UK [arresting/beating/shooting/raping/torturing] those who supported the campaign for an independent Scotland [and any journalists covering that story]; imagine the USA [arresting/beating/shooting/raping/torturing] everyone who supports the secession of Texas [and any journalists covering that story]. Now: consider the appalling human rights stories that have come out of North Korea, China, the old Soviet bloc, Uganda [arresting/beating/shooting/raping/torturing] their dissidents [and any journalists covering that story]. Now place Indonesia in the right category.

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