Healthkicker Weblogs
"Confessions of a Skinny Girl"
All my life I've been skinny. It's not my fault; I haven't done anything to become this way. I'm an active girl, I have a high metabolism. But I eat a lot and I've never once attempted to lose weight by starving myself or throwing up.Skinny girls have body issues too. I've been accused of being anorexic and bulimic several times. I've been denied the right to hanging out with one of my best friends because I was a "bad influence". Her mom wrongfully assumed I had an eating disorder.
It seems like everyone is striving for skinny, but skinny isn't all that great. Skinny makes me self conscious. Girls I've known forever comment on how thin I am and either say they wish they were this skinny or that I need some meat on my bones. People attempt to feed me. They tell me to eat steak, they come up with these plans to make me gain weight.
"I EAT!" I want to scream at them. I eat as much as everyone else, more even! Every time I've gone to the doctor they tell me I'm healthy. They tell me I'm normal. I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me and I don't need food shoved down my throat, thank you.
Then there's the "curvy" girls. "Guys like curves. They don't like stick thin girls."
Saturday 25 July 2009
Perception is reality
Sometimes it helps to be reminded that everyone has their insecurity moments... even those with whom I might think I'd like to switch bodies!